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الأحداث القادمة
- السبت، 18 يونيوSan Leandro18 يونيو 2022، 3:00 م – 6:00 مSan Leandro, San Leandro, CA, USAEnjoy a Summer of Senses with Shae. A series centered around intimacy. Live demonstrations will be presented for guest to participate in and learn from. Participants receive a take home intimacy kit. Join us as we build intimacy, love and experience for singles and partnered.
- تواريخ متعددةالأحد، 10 أبريلInstagram Live10 أبريل 2022، 6:00 م – 10:00 م غرينتش-7Instagram LiveEducating you on The Poly Love Style one Live at a time!
- الأربعاء، 06 ينايرClubhouse06 يناير 2021، 7:00 مClubhouseWhere we talk Sex, Love, Dating, Relationships and more. Bring your drinks and things because we get spicy!
- السبت، 13 أبريلPacifica13 أبريل 2019، 12:00 م – 4:00 مPacifica, Pacifica, CA, USAJoin me, Shae for my third monthly "Shae's Sunday Brunch' This Month we will share wine, food and a beautiful painting experience with featured artist Tine E.!
- الأحد، 24 مارسPacifica24 مارس 2019، 12:00 م – 3:00 مPacifica, Pacifica, CA, USAJoin me, Shae for my third monthly "Shae's Sunday Brunch' This Month we will share wine, food and a beautiful painting experience with featured artist Tine E.!
- الأحد، 24 فبرايرOakland24 فبراير 2019، 12:00 صOakland, Oakland, CA, USAJoin me, Shae for my second monthly "Shae's Sunday Brunch' This Month we will share in fellowship and discussion on Self-Love!
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