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10 things to Love about being in your 20’s

As I leave my 20 milestone 25, I can’t help but think about how short our 20’s truly are. With a world of things to do, goals to reach , expectations from family and society overall, it’s important to reflect on the roses. I heard a saying once "The day we are born we start to die" (unknown) Intense I know but all the more reason to bask in the steps along the way. As children we have childhood, and with age comes responsibility so why not highlight some of the great things about the years in between. Here's a list of 10 things to love about being in your 20's.

'Good O'l 20's'


1. Energy

While I didn't find any medical correlation between aging and fatigue, many of us have heard the saying “Youth is wasted on the young”. Maybe juggling busy lives, careers, and families leads to stress which contribute to exhaustion.

It seems that in your younger years energy levels tend to be higher. With things like mortgage, and your child's tuition on the brain one can get a bit stressed causing them to feel more tired.

2. Fast metabolism

Considering the fact that the human brain does not fully develop until 25, it’s safe to say for some the overall idea of growing is still being recognized by the body. In the growing stages of life the metabolism is said to be faster.

3. Low expectations

Unlike being in your 30’s people don’t expect you to have it all together. Depending on your exact age you may get the occasional “who are you dating” “When are you going to have kids” but it’s not nearly as bad as the expectations of your 30’s.

4. Mistakes, Mistakes, Mistakes

These are the years to make mistakes but most importantly learn from them. Your 20’s is the walking stage of life in terms of “knowing” . Your 30’s are for walking (applying the lessons) and by the time your in your 40’s let’s hope you're not making those same mistakes and instead living a full life in control knowing just what you want.

5. Being Selfish in all the right ways

If you are in your 20’s unmarried with no children, these are the best years of your life. No responsibility and everything is for you. You can spend your money on you and only you, you don't have to worry about a feeding schedule, sleep schedule or school schedule.

6. Ignorance and Bliss

Some things are better unknown. Enjoy the years of not knowing, rent, insurance, mortgages, and real responsibilities outside of yourself.

7. Parenting

If you are a parent in your 20’s, lucky you. You have the energy to run around with your little one. You have the ultimate excuse to never grow up now. Of course bills and such are a given but you get to be a big kid and you have the perfect best friend to do it with. Plus as your kid(s) get older you still get to look forward to many 'you years', the other good years when you know enough to limit mistake and financially literate enough to .

8. Time

Your 20’s are just the beginning, you have a few years to figure out your responsibilities.

School, endless nights of partying and Jet setting are just a few of the jewels of being in your 20’s.

9. Technology

Everything is at our fingertips and technology has allowed us to connect with the world in seconds from the palms of our hands. From grocery shopping apps, to purchasing cars and hiring anyone to do just about anything technology has created an experience all it’s own. Today, self driving cars, tomorrow virtual reality meetups.

10. The Millennium

We are in such a progressive stage where we are coming together more than ever. People from all different walks of life are being connected and fighting for humanity. It’s truly beautiful to look into the world and see a collective of love for all.


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Blog Author: La' Shae Alexander

Author Instagram: @ShaeisLove

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